
Another Moody Landscape Done Better

I love this photo The light left the surface of the sun, travelled for about 8 minutes and 18 seconds, bounced off those parts of the w...

I love this photo

The light left the surface of the sun, travelled for about 8 minutes and 18 seconds, bounced off those parts of the world in front of me, passed through my expensive piece of glass and struck the stabilised sensor in my diminutive camera and was recorded as a series of 0's and 1's.

Nothing spectacular is happening, however I find it very beautiful.
I guess that has been the change from being a guy capturing still images of interesting moments, to a 'photographer':A guy that makes interesting images of uninteresting moments.

What do I like about this photo?
I love the movement of the ocean contrasted to the stillness of the silhouetted couple.
I love the soft colours , the layers and the reflections on the sand.

I love this photo because it isn't sharp, it isn't heavily saturated, but it has lots of feeling

I love it most of all because it came out the way I had planned.

I made an image in my head based on what i saw in front of me and decided how i wanted to capture it to best reflect that 'vision'. At the end of the day, all I did was turn some knobs, pressed some menu buttons, chose a lens, added a polarising filter and sunk my tripod into the sand.

But it is a great indicator of how my photography has changed from "Oh, thats pretty, *Snap*"

And I'm proud of that

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