The Rottnest Chanel swim

"Rottnest Island  (known locally as  Rotto ) is an island off the coast of  Western Australia , located 18 kilometres (11 mi) west ...

"Rottnest Island (known locally as Rotto) is an island off the coast of Western Australia, located 18 kilometres (11 mi) west of Fremantle." - Wikipedia

Every year they swarm in their hundreds to the fine white beaches of Cottesloe and like hatchling turtles scramble for the sea, diving into the surf, they disappear into a foam of white water generated by all the arms flailing. Instead of having to pass a satellite ring of sharks, they 'Australian crawl' right into the jaws of a great shiver of kayakers. Once through, they move onto the the open ocean to be reunited with their siblings; camouflaged in matching neon colours and caps, sat anxiously upon an armada of small boats.

Once they find their vessel, they'll climb aboard and rest, whilst one of the others takes over in the water. they'll repeat this exchange over and over til the reach a largely identical coast on the other side of the channel.

I'm not a swimmer. I seem to be the wrong shape and seem to float at a point in the water thats great fun, but doesn't allow me any oxygen. give me a scuba tank or a surf board and i'm all grins. but straight swimming is not for me.

So why the interest? well i went down to see off this little turtle:

It turned out to be another slice of utopia that we get so used to in Perth. turquoise water, blue sky, white sand, many fit people and very little clothes. It's hard to hate Australia.

Ben (the guy above) was swimming in a team of four with my sister, Klaire. Sadly, i didn't get to see her dealing with pre-race nerves, but she's been training hard, I think she'll do well.

Well, i saw Benny off into the Indian ocean, and after I was at a loss at what to do. My jeans were soaked, my feet sandy and i had camera in hand. It's been too long since i've raised the camera to my eye, so here are a few characters i found down on Cottesloe beach at 5am.

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